The Research Project
Deprescribing in older adults
Project leaders: Prof. Kristina Johnell & Jonas Watesson
About this website:
This website is a collection of documentations to know more about research project: Deprescribing in older adults, data management and contents of the register data for the study project.
The register data is stored at local servers at the Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Karolinska Institutet.
The population is produced by Statistics Sweden and taken from the historical register, which is part of the register of the total population (RTB) and consists of all individuals born in 1954 or earlier who have been registered in Sweden as of 31 December at some point during period 2004-2020. Statistics Sweden estimates the number of individuals in the study population to be just over 3 million individuals. We have access to a variety of sociodemographic economic data from Statistics Sweden, including education, occupation, income, cohabitation, neighbourhood characteristics etc. under years: 1965-2020.
The register data contains the registries from the National Board of Health and Welfare as following:
- The National Cause of Death Register
- The National Patient Register
- The Swedish Prescribed Drug Register
- The Swedish Register of Social Services
All data is anonymized to protect personal information and the reports will be aggregated in all of publish articles.